Committee of the Whole & Special Council Meeting - January 6, 2025
Committee of the Whole
Sebright Cemetery Management and Updated Bylaw
The staff presented an updated Sebright Cemetery Bylaw to the Council after consulting with the newly contracted cemetery manager, Sanderson Monument. This Bylaw details the rules and regulations for the two cemeteries owned and operated by the township, located at 5812 Kirkfield Road and the lot between 1162 and 1118 Monck Road. Some of the changes to the Bylaw include the prohibition of reselling interment rights, maximum permitted sizes for monuments, and specifications for pillow markers. The Council adopted the amended Sebright Cemetery Bylaw.
Council Information Package
A Council Information Package (CIP) is a document that contains correspondence and updates on relevant matters concerning the municipality. This information is gathered from the public, other municipalities, stakeholders, and various levels of government for the benefit of the members of Council. Staff provided an overview of how the Township of Ramara communicates through the CIP, detailing the types of materials included, distribution methods, timelines, and the process for Council members to add content for the next scheduled meeting. An updated procedure was presented on how the CIP will be disseminated to the public along with timelines. The Council approved receipt of the report as information. The Council also approved for a staff report to return to the April Committee of the Whole meeting outlining the ways the public can communicate their concerns before Council, including series of emails on a particular topic and how the public can be made aware of ongoing and emerging issues.
How to Communicate with Council
Members of the public wishing to communicate with Council regarding issues and concerns have several options:
1. Deputation/Presentation to Council
A deputation is an oral presentation to Council made by residents, community groups, or interested parties. To request a deputation, an individual or group must submit a deputation request form to the Legislative Services department.
2. Open Forum
The Open Forum is held during regular Council meetings, allowing the public to provide comments to Council about agenda items from the current meeting or the previous Committee of the Whole meeting.
3. Formal Petition
A petition is a public document submitted by the community to express opinions on an issue of municipal importance. It serves as a means to demonstrate support for or opposition to matters under Council's consideration. Petition organizers must carefully fulfill the requirements to ensure their petition is valid before submitting it to the clerk for presentation to Council. Members of the public can submit a petition either online or in person to the Legislative Services department.
4. Email or Telephone Members of Council
The public can also communicate with individual members of Council via telephone or email.
Learn more on the ways the public can communicate with Council on our Communicating with Council page.
Drinking Water Advisory Communication Methods
During the Committee of the Whole meeting on August 26, 2024, the Council directed staff to explore alternative methods for communicating boil advisories. The staff report provides background on the municipal drinking water systems and the requirements for reporting adverse drinking water quality incidents.
When an adverse water quality incident occurs, the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit advises the operating authority and the owner on how to mitigate risks and communicate necessary information to the public. The Township utilizes various communication channels, including its website, social media, the new Water Customer Portal, alerts, and, in many cases for small systems, hand-delivered notices. The Council approved the report as information.
Phragmites (Invasive Species)
At the Committee of the Whole meeting on July 9, 2024, municipal staff presented a detailed report outlining various strategies for managing Phragmites. These strategies included education, mapping, and eradication efforts. The Township also submitted an application for the Invasive Species Action Fund to secure financial support for these initiatives; however, the application was not successful.
In response, the Township created a Weed Control and Invasive Species webpage aimed at educating residents about Phragmites and providing a platform for reporting sightings of the species. The municipality has received reports of Phragmites sightings from several residents.
Consistent with the 2024 grant application, the municipality plans to seek funding to enhance communication efforts, advertising, and signage in key areas where invasive species, particularly Phragmites, have been identified. Additionally, this funding may support prevention and control measures, including the use of herbicides and other related methods. The Council has approved the report and authorized staff to apply for the Invasive Species Fund grant to support education and control initiatives.
Past Presentation from Colin Cassin – Invasive Species Centre
At the March 25 Council meeting, Colin Cassin, Policy Manager for the Invasive Species Centre provided a deputation regarding the role of the Invasive Species Centre and how the centre can support municipalities with access to resources, information and funding.
Lagoon City On Street & Municipal Parking Lot Parking Control Options
Staff submitted a detailed report outlining the current on-street and municipal parking lot regulations in Lagoon City. This includes alternative parking options for accessing municipal beaches and park areas during the summer months, as well as lake access during the winter ice fishing season.
During both the winter and summer seasons, all municipal streets in Lagoon City, including Simcoe Road and Lakeshore Drive, are subject to posted parking restrictions. In designated areas, a valid resident parking permit must be displayed. Additionally, there is one location on Lake Avenue where paid on-street parking is available between Simcoe Road and Ridge Avenue.
In the summer, there is one municipal parking lot that requires either the display of a resident parking pass or payment of the hourly parking fee of $5.00 via the Honk app.
Staff proposed various options for parking regulations in Lagoon City for both the summer and winter seasons. The Council decided to defer the report to a future Committee of the Whole meeting.
Resident Only Permit Parking (Val Harbour Subdivision and Glenrest Drive)
Following the December 9 Committee of the Whole meeting, the Council requested staff to report on re-establishing resident-only parking restrictions for Val Harbour and Glenrest Drive. This includes Glenrest Drive, John Street, Peter Street, Bonnie Beach Road, Edgehill Road, Tuppy Drive, Harry's Lane, and Leo Crescent. Implementing resident permit parking in these areas will only require posting permit parking signs at the access points to these neighbourhoods, and no amendments to the Parking Control Bylaw are necessary. The Township already has an inventory of these signs that can be reused if approved. The Council has approved the implementation of resident-only permit parking on Glenrest Drive, John Street, Peter Street, Southview Drive, Sideroad 20, and on all internal roadways within the Val Harbour subdivision, including Bonnie Beach Road.
Outdoor Special Event Bylaw
Due to a special multi-day large-scale event request received by staff, a meeting was held to discuss the proposal and determine how such events could be regulated and either approved or denied. Staff developed a draft bylaw for the Council's consideration, which would establish the requirements for hosting an Outdoor Special Event within the Township and outline the permit process for authorizing these events. Following information received from the Township’s insurer, the Council decided to postpone the report to the February 10 Committee of the Whole meeting. The public, including service organizations and non-profit groups, will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the updated report when it is presented at that meeting.
Lagoon City Community Mailboxes
The Township has been working with Canada Post to manage the community mailboxes at Lagoon City Park. As the property of Canada Post, they handle maintenance and ensure safe mail pickup and delivery. After the last Council meeting, staff were tasked with following up with Canada Post about their winter plans and any concerns from last winter. The report outlines communications received from Canada Post, including for Canada Post staff to continue to monitor concerns over the 2024-2025 season and for residents to report concerns using their online form found on the Canada Post’s Website. The Council approved for the Township of Ramara to formally issue a complaint to the Canada Post Ombudsman citing non-compliance with the Canadian Postal Service Charter and that the Township submits all documented complaints, correspondence and evidence of unresolved issues to the Ombudsman, and a copy of this resolution be sent to the Member of Parliament for Simcoe North and the Minister of public services and procurement and any relevant municipal association advocating for rural and urban postal service improvements.
Engineering Grading and Drainage Plan Terms of Reference
As approved in the budget, the Township's Engineering and Design Guidelines for development and construction will be updated and presented to Council in 2025. In the meantime, staff have received requests from developers to create a Terms of Reference document regarding grading and drainage plans for individual lots. Since there is currently no Terms of Reference document in place outside of a development application for a plan of subdivision or condominium, staff have developed specific Terms of Reference outlining the requirements for reviewing development plans related to Grading and Drainage. Council has approved the adoption of best practices for new development design.
Climate Action Change Committee
The staff are working on a Terms of Reference document for the Committee and Council should expect a staff report in the next few months.
Effluent Hauling Update
The Director of Infrastructure reported that the contractor has removed 79,000 m³ of the 120,000 m³ of effluent that needs to be hauled. Hauling was paused for a week and a half during the winter break due to weather fluctuations and thawing conditions; however, it has now resumed. Larger trucks are currently being used for hauling, which increases the weekly capacity by 2,000 m³.
Automated Speed Enforcement
Council approved for a staff report for an update at the February 10, Committee of the Whole.
Special Council Meeting
Thank you to Interim Chief Administrative Officer Robin Dunn!
Robin Dunn joined the Township of Ramara on June 25 as the Interim Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to assist the Mayor, Council, and staff during the recruitment process for the Township’s next CAO. We appreciate Robin's expertise in advancing the initiatives and direction of Ramara Township.
We are also excited to welcome Gayle Jackson as the new Chief Administrative Officer, starting January 2, 2025.
Presentations, Receiving of Petitions and Deputations
Senior of the Year Award Presentation
Congratulations to Steve Hinton, who received the Province of Ontario’s Senior of the Year Award for his outstanding contributions to the community and his hard work on the Atherley Community Centre Board.
Presentation by Axxima regarding Simcoe Municipalities Insurance Pool
The Council received a presentation from Axxima about the Simcoe County Municipalities Insurance Pool. The purpose was to explore alternatives to the current insurance model and identify opportunities for cost improvements and stability. The presentation outlined the benefits of pooled insurance, potential savings, and timelines. The Council approved the receipt of this presentation.
Consent Agenda
Ontario Good Roads Correspondence regarding the Establishment of an Ontario Rural Road Safety Program
The Council approved for staff to prepare a report regarding the correspondence received from the Ontario Good Roads for the establishment of an Ontario Rural Road Safety Program.
Ramara Trails Committee – Resignation
Paul Grunsten has submitted his resignation from the Ramara Trails Committee. We would like to thank Paul for his invaluable expertise, time, and dedication to the committee. As one of the founding members, he has been instrumental in the planning and development of trails in Ramara.
Bertrand v. Township of Ramara Court Decision
The Township of Ramara received the reasons for decision regarding the Barrie Court File No. CV-21-212-000, regarding two by-laws enacted in 2020 by the Township of Ramara concerning the construction and maintenance of shorewalls within Lagoon City.
Notices of Motion
A notice of motion. with a mover and a seconder, may be introduced at a meeting during the notice of motion section for consideration at a subsequent meeting
WHEREAS the Grade Crossing Regulations prohibit railway equipment from unnecessarily obstructing public grade crossings, including by leaving equipment standing on a crossing surface or activating warning systems for more than five minutes while vehicular or pedestrian traffic is waiting to cross;
AND WHEREAS Section 98(1) of the Regulations requires railway companies and road authorities to collaborate to resolve safety concerns at public grade crossings when a municipality declares, by resolution, that regular obstruction creates a safety concern;
AND WHEREAS the Brechin East grade crossing, located in the Township of Ramara, County of Simcoe, has been regularly obstructed by railway operations, causing significant safety concerns, including delays to emergency response vehicles, risks to public safety near Brechin Public School and Brechin Ball Park, and traffic congestion that impairs local mobility and access to essential services;
AND WHEREAS these obstructions contravene the intent of the Grade Crossing Regulations and present an ongoing risk to public safety and community well-being;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Township of Ramara formally declares that the regular obstruction of the Brechin East grade crossing creates a safety concern under Section 98(1) of the Grade Crossing Regulations;
AND THAT the Township of Ramara requests collaboration with CN Rail and appropriate federal and provincial agencies to resolve these safety concerns through both short-term and long-term solutions;
- Short-term: By publishing a schedule and reporting when obstructions will occur to provide timely information to all parties
- Long-term: By constructing a vehicular bridge over the railway to prevent regular obstructions and ensure public safety and consistent community access
AND THAT the Township of Ramara notifies the federal Minister of Transport and provincial Minister of Transportation, CN Rail, and other relevant stakeholders in writing of this resolution;
AND THAT Council directs staff to initiate this process immediately and work with CN Rail to ensure short-term resolution is in place within the 90-day collaboration and mediation period as stipulated in the Grade Crossing Regulations;
AND THAT parties remain in collaboration until the long-term solution and timelines are identified to the satisfaction of all parties;
AND THAT if no short-term resolution is reached within the 90-day period as stipulated by the Grade Crossing Regulations, the Township of Ramara will notify the Minister of Transport to escalate the matter for further action.
Items Requiring the Immediate Attention of Council
Simcoe Road parking regulations
The Council approved to prohibit parking on Simcoe Road between December 15 to March 31.
Brechin East Crossing Petition
The Council approved to receive the petition regarding the Brechin East Crossing.
Bills and Bylaws
Council passed the following Bylaws:
- A Bylaw to amend Bylaw 2017.86, being a Bylaw to Amend Administrative, Burial and Monument Placement Rules and Regulations for the Care and Control of the Sebright Cemetery
- A Bylaw to Authorize the Borrowing of Money to Meet Current Expenditures of the Council of the Township of Ramara
- A Bylaw to Provide for the Levy and Payment of Taxes
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For More Information
For more details on any of these items, see the full meeting Agenda or view the meeting on the Township of Ramara's YouTube Channel.
The Meeting highlights are prepared to give residents a timely update on decisions of Council. The Council Meeting Minutes are the official record of the meeting.
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