The Township of Ramara has completed a Comprehensive Stormwater Management Master Plan for the settlement areas of Brechin and Lagoon City in accordance with the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan, the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (LSRCA) stormwater management master plan guidelines and the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process.
What is stormwater?
Stormwater can be defined as precipitation (rainfall or snow) that lands in and travels through developed areas that must be conveyed away from rural, commercial and living areas to avoid potential flooding issues.
Stormwater management is the process of designing systems that not only convey the excess water away from the surface of a site, but is also the process which ensures the water is of adequate quality before entering streams, rivers, wetlands, ponds, and lakes.
The Township of Ramara Engineering Design Criteria and Standard Drawings includes requirements related to stormwater management for all development applications.
Contact Us
Jennifer Stong
2297 Highway 12, PO Box 130, Brechin, ON, LOK 1B0
T. 705-484-5374 ext. 251