Council Meeting - January 27, 2025
Remarks by the Mayor
Mayor Clarke opened the meeting by noting that January 27 marks the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, a date that was designated as International Holocaust Remembrance Day in 2005. He emphasized that today is a time to remember the victims of Nazi persecution.
Mayor Clarke also mentioned that he attended an event at Lakehead University on behalf of the County of Simcoe, where he announced that the county will contribute $15 million toward the expansion of Lakehead University's Orillia Campus. He acknowledged Councillor Tuju's role in the event, highlighting her reflections on past experiences at Lakehead University during summer science camps, as well as the positive educational experiences for her and her children. Mayor Clarke noted the significant economic benefits that the expansion will bring to the community.
Councillor Fisher shared her participation in the McIssac Annual Mini Golf Tournament, which took place on Saturday, January 25, at the Brechin-Mara Legion. The event attracted over 140 mini-golf participants and raised more than $10,000, all of which will be donated to the Brechin-Mara Legion building fund. Deputy Mayor Bell also noted his attendance at this successful event.
CAO Update
CAO Jackson provided an update to the community on the following:
- A thank you to Chief Stong and the Ramara Fire and Rescue Team for their mutual aid support to the City of Orillia during a significant fire. This assistance highlights the importance of mutual aid agreements between municipalities and demonstrates that when neighbours need help, there are no boundaries.
- Join us for our Recreation Master Plan Open House on Wednesday, February 5, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Township Administration Building. This is a great chance to share your ideas and provide input on the draft Recreation Master Plan’s key recommendations. We look forward to hearing from you! To learn more, please visit: www.ramara.ca/recreation-master-plan.
- We’re hiring! We are looking for individuals to fill full-time, contract, seasonal and summer positions. Please visit our website to learn more about each position at www.ramara.ca/employment.
- Lastly, that the Township Administration Building and other township facilities will be closed on Monday, February 17 for the Family Day long weekend and will reopen on Tuesday, February 18 at 9 a.m.
Notices of Motion
The following Notice of Motion was defeated.
WHEREAS the Grade Crossing Regulations prohibit railway equipment from unnecessarily obstructing public grade crossings, including by leaving equipment standing on a crossing surface or activating warning systems for more than five minutes while vehicular or pedestrian traffic is waiting to cross;
AND WHEREAS Section 98(1) of the Regulations requires railway companies and road authorities to collaborate to resolve safety concerns at public grade crossings when a municipality declares, by resolution, that regular obstruction creates a safety concern;
AND WHEREAS the Brechin East grade crossing, located in the Township of Ramara, County of Simcoe, has been regularly obstructed by railway operations, causing significant safety concerns, including delays to emergency response vehicles, risks to public safety near Brechin Public School and Brechin Ball Park, and traffic congestion that impairs local mobility and access to essential services;
AND WHEREAS these obstructions contravene the intent of the Grade Crossing Regulations and present an ongoing risk to public safety and community well-being;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Township of Ramara formally declares that the regular obstruction of the Brechin East grade crossing creates a safety concern under Section 98(1) of the Grade Crossing Regulations;
AND THAT the Township of Ramara requests collaboration with CN Rail and appropriate federal and provincial agencies to resolve these safety concerns through both short-term and long-term solutions;
- Short-term: By publishing a schedule and reporting when obstructions will occur to provide timely information to all parties
- Long-term: By constructing a vehicular bridge over the railway to prevent regular obstructions and ensure public safety and consistent community access
AND THAT the Township of Ramara notifies the federal Minister of Transport and provincial Minister of Transportation, CN Rail, and other relevant stakeholders in writing of this resolution;
AND THAT Council directs staff to initiate this process immediately and work with CN Rail to ensure short-term resolution is in place within the 90-day collaboration and mediation period as stipulated in the Grade Crossing Regulations;
AND THAT parties remain in collaboration until the long-term solution and timelines are identified to the satisfaction of all parties;
AND THAT if no short-term resolution is reached within the 90-day period as stipulated by the Grade Crossing Regulations, the Township of Ramara will notify the Minister of Transport to escalate the matter for further action.
Presentations, Receiving of Petitions and Deputations
Human and Financial Cost of Ontario’s Homelessness Crisis
Kathi Kerr provided a deputation regarding with an overview of Canada and provided statistics regarding homelessness in Ontario and the rising numbers of Ontarians accessing food banks. Kathi explored budget-friendly solutions to address the crisis and information on how to access the Association of Municipalities of Ontario’s recent publication, ‘Municipalities Under Pressure: The Human and Financial Cost of Ontario’s Homelessness Crisis.’
Consent Agenda
Lagoon City Parking Exemption
On February 15, 2025, the Brechin and area Lions Club is hosting its 5th Annual Brechin Lions Club Ice Fishing Derby in Lagoon City. In order to increase access to parking for residents and visitors, staff are proposing some parking exemptions and additional parking recommendations to be made available.
Council approved that the following parking exemptions be graded on February 15, 2025, in Lagoon City for the event.
- Remove the resident only parking restriction within the settlement area of Lagoon City and surrounding area;
- Lift paid parking requirements on Lake Ave from Simcoe Road to Ridge Ave on east side of Lake Ave;
- Allow parking in municipal lot at Lake Ave and Poplar Cres without a Resident Parking Permit;
- Lift no parking restriction on south side of Simcoe Road from Lake Ave to Laguna Parkway;
- Allow parking on the east side of Lake Ave from Beaver Trail to Lake Ave park; and
- Allow parking on east side of Lakeshore Drive from Maple Trail to Simcoe Road.
County Council Update
The highlights from the January 14 County Council meetings are now available.
View January 14 County Highlights
Announcements and inquiries – Members of Council
- Councillor Tuju reported that Polyethics Industries in Orillia is in the process of phasing out their lavender-scented product, which has been causing a lingering odor for residents of Orillia and Ramara.
- Councillor Bell announced that the Ramara Chamber of Commerce is hosting a "Beat the Winter Blues" event at the Brechin Mara Legion on February 1, 2025, starting at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are priced at $25 each and may be available for purchase.
- Deputy Mayor Bell provided an update that the Ramona Winterfest will take place on Saturday, February 15, at Ramona Hall, located at 2212 Fairgrounds Road. The event will feature food, crafts, a silent auction, and more.
- Additionally, the Robert L. Bowles Nature Centre is hosting a Family Day Winterfest on Monday, February 17. This free event will include skiing, snowshoeing, pond skating, tobogganing, a bonfire, hot chocolate, and a guided nature walk with Bob Bowles at 1 p.m.
Bills and Bylaws
Council passed the following Bylaws:
- A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw 2024.79 being a Bylaw to set Water and Wastewater Rates for the Years 2025 to 2033.
- A Bylaw to Authorize a Consent Agreement (Vocella, Natale and Schmidt).
- A Bylaw to Enter into a Development Agreement - 2864 Concession Road A (Vocella, Natale and Schmidt).
- A Bylaw to provide for the acquisition of those lands being Part of the South Part of Lot 26, Concession 10, more particularly described as Part 1 on Plan 51R-44815, being Part of PIN: 58691-0291 (LT), Township of Ramara, County of Simcoe.
- A Bylaw to Authorize a Lease Agreement Between the Corporation of the Township of Ramara and the Ramara Public Library Board (Brechin Branch)
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For More Information
For more details on any of these items, see the full meeting Agenda or view the meeting on the Township of Ramara's YouTube Channel.
The Meeting highlights are prepared to give residents a timely update on decisions of Council. The Council Meeting Minutes are the official record of the meeting.
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