The Planning Act of Ontario requires municipalities to regularly review their Official Plans to reflect updates to legislation, Provincial plans and policies, and regional government (Simcoe County) plans. The purpose of the new Official Plan is to update and replace the existing Township of Ramara Official Plan (2003). The Township is in the process of updating our Official Plan and providing opportunities for residents to give input.  The review of the Township’s Official Plan began in 2017 and was put on hold due to extenuating circumstances.  The project was reinitiated in 2023 with additional open houses and updates to reflect with newly introduced Provincial legislative changes

Official Plan Review 

Our Official Plan is a long-term plan that provides a policy framework for the following:

  • making land use planning decisions
  • managing resources
  • protecting the environment
  • setting a structure for guiding growth and development.

Final Draft 2024

Staff have amended the existing Draft Official Plan with feedback received from members of the public and agencies throughout this duration, and a copy of the Proposed Official Plan, information and material is available below.  Physical copies are available at the municipal office for inspection during regular business hours.

Draft Official Plan  

Maps and Schedules

Draft Official Plan Schedules now available on GIS Mapping.

View Mapping
Upcoming Special Public Meeting
Monday, August 12, 2024  9:30 am  Council Chambers (2297 Highway 12, Brechin) and Zoom Platform

Take Notice that the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Ramara will be holding a hybrid Statutory Public Meeting under Sections 17 and 26 of the Planning Act to discuss any possible revisions to the final draft of the Township’s New Official Plan and give the public an opportunity to make representations in respect of the current proposed plan.

Local Basis for the Official Plan

The updated Official Plan contains goals, objectives and policies that guide Township Council, its committees, boards, officials and the public with regard to land use.  The local basis for the official plan includes:

  • ­Planning for population and employment growth in accordance with the County of Simcoe Official Plan to 2031
  • Analyze and protect natural functions and hazard lands
  • Protect and maintain the local Greenlands system and agricultural areas
  • Identify and plan residential and economic growth within existing settlement areas, identifying housing types and densities for sustainable and complete communities. 

New designations in the proposed Official Plan include the Greenlands Designation and provides for differentiation between Village and Rural Settlement Areas to direct growth.   Additional and updated Schedules are included for the Atherley-Uptergrove Secondary Plan, recent changes to the Brechin and Lagoon City Settlement Areas, Natural Heritage overlay mapping and Aquifer Vulnerability.

Key Themes

The Townships Official Plan review is focused on the following key themes:

  • Vision and Guiding Principles 
  • Complete Communities and Balanced Growth
  • Housing 
  • Community Design and Heritage
  • Sustainability and Climate Change
  • Agriculture and Rural Lands


Comments will continue to be collected through the Public Consultation Form

Submit comments


Submit a question you would like answered to  The answer to the question will be added below.

Why do we need to update the Official Plan?

In Section 26(1) of the Planning Act, it outlines the requirements for updating an existing Official Plan. An approved Official Plan can be reviewed at any time, but each local council must update its official plan at least ten years from the date the plan came into effect in the case of a new comprehensive official plan. When an Official Plan is not being replaced, it should be updated at least every five years. This ensures the plan is consistent with Provincial policies and conforms and/or does not conflict with provincial plans, as required. If the plan is inconsistent or conflicts with the statement, the plan is expected to be updated.

The Official Plan update is also an opportunity to ensure the official plan continues to address local priorities and changing community needs. The Township of Ramara Official Plan was enacted on July 31, 2003. The updating of the document was delayed due to the County of Simcoe Official Plan update, which was approved by the County of Simcoe in 2008; however, it was appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. The document was finally approved in 2016, and the Township of Ramara must now bring our Official Plan into conformity with the County's approved plan.

How is it that Transportation in Schedule F consists of a map of Ramara that does not even show the Lake St John Airport? Is that all we have for our transportation plan?

The Transportation Plan schedule does not include the Rama Orillia Regional Airport on Lake St. John, as the airport is privately owned and under Federal jurisdiction. 

Please tell me where the latest draft of the new OP is located.

The Draft Official Plan with schedules can be accessed above. 

How can I provide feedback on the Draft Official Plan?

The public can provide feedback at the open houses or directly to staff during the comment period. You can also submit comments on directly through our Public Consultation Form.  


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Draft Presented in 2023

Draft Official Plan

Maps and Schedules

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